LP³ Tools

LP3 Leadership can be experienced - even digitally! Our wide range of services not only mirrors your world in workshops and evaluation rounds, but also on the computer and in readings; our thematic worlds, the Quickscan, our success stories, our books... experience LP3 Leadership in its full breadth, here and now.

QuickScan Test

LP³ Quickscan

The LP3 Quickscan offers you the possibility to examine your current status quo in your company on leader, team and partner level in a shortened online version. Take 10 minutes to find out where your potential lies!

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Online Evaluation 360°

Send us your email and we will contact you and provide all need to take the next step to levelup your business.

The 360° LP3 evaluation allows these analyses to be performed in a simple, coherent and understandable way.
The evaluation can be carried out in practically all current Internet browsers both on Mac and Windows as well as on mobile devices (tablets and smartphones).

Would you like to evaluate yourself and know what your employees, colleagues or superiors think of your leadership skills?
The LP3-Online-Evaluation 360° allows you to get an idea of yourself and your development areas in a simple and understandable way.
The 360° online evaluation LP3 is an instrument for the detailed analysis of leadership competencies on the basis of the LP3 leadership model and the associated 42 questions (self-evaluation and external evaluation: superiors, peers and employees). The online evaluation is currently available in 5 languages (DE/FR/IT/EN/NL). Additional languages can be added, as required.

  • Would you like to evaluate yourself and know how your employees, peers or superiors view your leadership skills?
  • Would you like to progress and identify your own potential in matters of leadership?
  • Would you like to analyse your organisation, your company or your department?
  • Would you like to evaluate your ROI (Return on Investment) in relation to your existing leadership development measures?

Flourister APP

Transfer learning into practice with a user-friendly digital solution. Behavioral change at the workplace with ...

  • an APP that involves
  • effective learning paths
  • digital communities

Flourister offers companies the opportunity to integrate different learning strategies. With Flourister, companies create an organizational development system in which people dare to do something new and actually apply newly acquired knowledge, because:

  • the application of knowledge becomes visible (show-how instead of know-how)
  • and measurable via integrated performance measurement (self & external assessment)
Get the app

LP³ Momentum

This tool, inspired by Isaac Newton, allows you to calculate the transformation index of your company or organization. You will be able, on the one hand, to create the framework conditions for a positive dynamic and, on the other hand, to define the themes to be treated as a priority.


Questions LP³: High Performance Teams

Do you know what employees, managers and executives expect from a good leader, a good team and a good partner? Our online tool makes it possible to collect these answers in a simple and anonymous way. This will be the basis for workshops and trainings.


LP³ Services

LP³ Leadership Services offers all LP³ trainers, individual leaders and organizations a variety of offerings to implement LP³ impact into everyday life. As a strong growth community, we jointly walk the path of holistic organizational development towards a sustainable economy.

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